our youth ministry - especially the staff - comes up with some creative ways of fundraising.
in april, we are going on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic. we are taking 14 students and 7 adult leaders including myself. well . . . this is a pricey trip as you can imagine, so we are trying to be creative in finding ways to raise money to keep the cost more manageable.
thats where the hut for humanity comes into play. Noah and i built a 'replica' of a Dominican hut and we are going to live in it starting oct. 11th. for every 500 dollars we donated, we will spend 1 night and 1 day in the hut. its just hanging out in the church parking lot, its going to be our home soon. its hideous and we are both a little surprised that administration is allowing us to keep this hut in the front of the church as advertising. we have an awesome church! look at this thing . . .