Oh My Word! It has been way too long since my last post! Where do I even begin? We are still working on the house... I will post new pics soon. Sophie is about to turn one! My sister is having a baby... what else???? Well, I think this is enough to start!
Since the last post we have so much progress on the house. We are painting right now and the cabinets should be hung within the next few weeks, then comes flooring! We never thought it would take this long, but it has so we have embraced it! ha ha
Sophie turns one year old next month. It is so hard to believe that it has been a year since she entered our lives. She has taught us more than all of our years combined... from what I'm told children have a way of doing that. She is almost walking. She just makes her way around the house now. She really is such a blessing! We are so very excited for what this next year holds for her... but I wouldn't mind if the first year was twice as long! But since it isn't I will continue to do my very best to enjoy the "moment" with her.