It's been so long since our last post... much has happened. We finally closed on our house and are working to get a few things done before we can start our long list. I guess when you work with HUD it doesn't mean much when you close; you still have to do what they want first. But it's all good...
Jordan leaves on Wednesday for the Dominican Republic for 10 days. I know it's a good thing but I'm also sad. I hate to be away from him. But they will do awesome things for those people! We know God has so much for them to do. He has been very busy at work and the youth is doing awesome. We had an awesome service last night and the minister called Jordan out and spoke some things over Him that were AWESOME! It's so amazing when God confirms things. I'm so excited to see those changes come to pass.
Sophie is getting bigger and bigger; rolling and trying so very hard to crawl. She's teething now and is doing so well with it! It's amazing how quickly they change. I honestly have a hard time looking at pictures of her when she was just home from the hospital. I try so hard not to cry when I see them and see how big she is. I know it's good that she's growing but it's just happening so fast. She is just amazing; we LOVE her!
As for me... I'm staying busy with everything a wife and mom stay busy with. I am back to work 2-3 days a week now. I really enjoy what I do, but know it probably won't be forever. Other than that; I FORGOT JORDAN AT CHURCH LAST WEEK!!! HA HA HA! I'm only posting this because I know it will make the few of you that read this smile. I don't usually drive to church by myself. Jordan works there so my parents let me and Sophie ride with them and then we come home with Jordan. But his car was getting some work done to it so I drove and was his ride home. But I forgot! I actually got all the way home before I realized what I had done! I pulled in the garage and looked at my phone to see 3 missed calles and a txt that said " where are you? I can't find you, did you leave?" I called him right away and apologized like 50 times and told him I would leave right away to get him. But one of his friends was already bringing him home. I know; it's kind of sad, but I have 100 things on my mind these days... I guess that's the life of a mom.
1 comment:
At least you remembered Sophie :) Its called mommy brain, and it gets much worse with the 2nd baby. I love Sophie's hair, so jealous...
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